Vision is the sensation that provides us with the most information about the outer world. However, with every year there is an increase of people in the need of vision correction. At the same time modern treatment methods are also increasing. Professional vision analysis from cornea to fundus is very informative and allows to make a diagnosis not only of visions problems. Eyes‘ vessels examination allows to consider the control of blood-pressure and glycaemia and also to diagnose the causes of headaches.
Determination of refraction, biomicroscopy, measurement of intraocular pressure, gonioscopy, exophthalmometry and other analysis are performed.
- Consultation with ophthalmologist (eyes‘ docotor)
- Analysis of fundus
- Computed perimetry
- Intraocular pressure measurement with Schiotz tonometer
- Schirmer's test
- Tear film stability test
- Gonioscopy
- Autorefractometry
- Dark adaptation threshold
- Colour vision testing
- Investigation for the tick infestation of the eyelids
- Corneal foreign body removal
- Selection of eyeglasses
- Children eyes check-up